Monday 13 October 2014

Jeffrey Collier's Funeral

Dixie throws herself into work on the day of Jeff's funeral, Lofty treats a patient with OCD and a new barista joins the ED.
On Saturday 11th October it was Jeff Collier’s (Matt bardock’s) funeral! This was a very moving episode, so much so that Amanda Mealing who plays Connie had to have most of her scenes cut when filming because she was crying so much (Everybody loves working with Jeff/matt.) As Rita ( Chloe howman) and Dixie ( Jane Hazlegrove) were in the locker room, Iain (Michael Stevenson) comes to say that the Hurst has arrived, Dixie wants five minutes, iain and Rita agree to leave her for 5 minutes. Rita askes iain (standing in front of the hurts) if they have given her long enough Rita goes into the locker room to come back out to find Dixie sat in the ambulance.
Rita try’s to get Dixie out but Dixie answers a call and leaves the station. Iain tells Rita, Big mac and Tamzin to go and he will get Dixie to come! As Iain gets to the place were Dixie went, he helps find a man that’s been trapped under the rubbish and then is still trying to persuade Dixie to go to Jeff’s funeral  at this point we hear the start of with or without you by U2 playing as the Hurst pulls into the church.  
Carrying Jeff’s coffin is big mac, Noel Jeff’s son and a few other paramedics. Walking behind the coffin is Tamzin with little abs (the dog that Jeff gave Dixie!) As they put the coffin on the table Tamzin sits abs in front of it! After panning from Iain and Dixie still at the rubbish tip we go to Jamie giving a speech about Jeff’s life. The vicar then said,  we will hear a few words from Jeff’s wife, Big mac tells Tamsin to go up because Dixie isn’t there, as Tamzin gets to go to the stand Dixie and Iain bust through the door. 

Dixie said a few words “I’m usually a stickler for punctuality, so I apologise for the delay. Most of you know what the deal was between me and Jeff, for those of you who don’t  let’s just say it wasn’t a long engament, it wasn’t what you’d call a conventional marriage but it had a lot of the same componants,there was very little romance, there were frequent arguments and there was love. He was my soul mate, and my confidant and the clown that made me laugh when I wanted to kill. I know all relationships are unique this one was truly a once off, something that I will never have again and that’s very painful, I also know he was about to embark on a whole new adventure, and I feel so sad he never got to follow that through because it meant the world to him, you scarified your life saving someone else and in my heart of hearts I knew it was always going to be that way, I love and I miss you kid”

We then had a speech from control over the radio , all paramedics stood up an lifter their radio in the air but half way through tamzin breaks down and sits down. “ Control to paramedic collier, control to paramedic collier, last call for paramedic collier, Jeff collier not responding, paramedic for holby ambulance trust 2007-2014, a valued collage and friend, who’s dedication touched the lives of the people of holby,we thank you for your service, gone but not forgotten. You are now off duty” 

We then go to Connie on the phone talking to her daughters school and then tells Charlie she has to drive down to Dorset because her daughter has been expelled. Ethan walks back into the ED and is taken into resus and relays everything that Cal said to him on the night of Jeff’s death.

Later on at the wake, Tess and everybody are talking about memories of Jeff and she says  “ if anybody else had called me princess I would of decked them but he somehow got away with it2 Big mac then said “ That’s because Jeffery had charm”  
In the ambulance station Dixie gets the key to Jeff’s locker and opens it up to empty it, she looks at the picture of him and tamzin, tamzin walks in and says that’s from our first official date, he took me to the arcades”  tamzin later says “I’m going to leave Dixie” Dixie asks if it’s because of her. On the table Jeff’s jackets laid out , Dixie smells It and says it still smells like him and then gives it to Tamzin who puts it on and then leaves. Back at the wake Charlie says a few words after iain gets back and says I wouldn’t wait for her. 

So my opinion  on casualty this week was that Jeff got a true hero send off! We are going to love and miss you Jeffery Collier! See you next week guys:) i have linked videos below! one of the trailer and one from the radio call for jeff

below the trailer

jeff colliers last radio call <-- click this link for his last call

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