Sunday 19 October 2014

Casualty Question Session!

Hiya guys! I know that I normally post the story line of Saturday’s episode today but my IPlayer isn’t working at the moment so that will hopefully be up on Monday or Tuesday in time for next week’s episode.  So that my post schedule isn't put off I’m going to do a Casualty Question session. There is 24 questions all together so let’s get on with it.

1) Favorite character out of Casualty? It would have to be lofty because he’s down to earth

 2) Favorite Paramedic? Jeffrey Collier 

3) favorite doctor? Dr Hanna

4) favorite nurse? Robyn

5) favorite extra ( receptionist, porter) Max

6) favorite series? Series 28

7) favorite couple? Jeff and Tamzin

8) favorite episode?  Born lucky

9) favorite sad scene?  Jeffs funeral when they did the last call for Jeffrey

10) favorite happy/funny scene? When Tamzin and Jeff kissed for the first time

11) Favorite story line? Tess and Fletch’s relationship

12) favorite patient? Molly

13) favorite present female character? Connie Beauchamp

14) favorite present male character? Big mac

15) favorite set?  The Ed

16) favorite actor?  Lee Mead

17) favorite actress? Amanda Mealing

18) favorite past character ? Adrian Fletcher 'Fletch'

19) favorite past actor/actress? Daniel Anthony 

20) who would you like to have a major story line? probably noel

21) favorite cast photo? the one on the Facebook page

22) which series autograph cards are your favorite? Series 28

23)Moment you would like to happen again? the day that Rita Freeman started working at the Ed

24) which actress/actor would you like to appear again? Micheal French

        Please feel free to comment what you think! email me to say what you want me to post or what you think! Please share:)
Instagram- @casualty_ed


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