Sunday 19 October 2014

Casualty Question Session!

Hiya guys! I know that I normally post the story line of Saturday’s episode today but my IPlayer isn’t working at the moment so that will hopefully be up on Monday or Tuesday in time for next week’s episode.  So that my post schedule isn't put off I’m going to do a Casualty Question session. There is 24 questions all together so let’s get on with it.

1) Favorite character out of Casualty? It would have to be lofty because he’s down to earth

 2) Favorite Paramedic? Jeffrey Collier 

3) favorite doctor? Dr Hanna

4) favorite nurse? Robyn

5) favorite extra ( receptionist, porter) Max

6) favorite series? Series 28

7) favorite couple? Jeff and Tamzin

8) favorite episode?  Born lucky

9) favorite sad scene?  Jeffs funeral when they did the last call for Jeffrey

10) favorite happy/funny scene? When Tamzin and Jeff kissed for the first time

11) Favorite story line? Tess and Fletch’s relationship

12) favorite patient? Molly

13) favorite present female character? Connie Beauchamp

14) favorite present male character? Big mac

15) favorite set?  The Ed

16) favorite actor?  Lee Mead

17) favorite actress? Amanda Mealing

18) favorite past character ? Adrian Fletcher 'Fletch'

19) favorite past actor/actress? Daniel Anthony 

20) who would you like to have a major story line? probably noel

21) favorite cast photo? the one on the Facebook page

22) which series autograph cards are your favorite? Series 28

23)Moment you would like to happen again? the day that Rita Freeman started working at the Ed

24) which actress/actor would you like to appear again? Micheal French

        Please feel free to comment what you think! email me to say what you want me to post or what you think! Please share:)
Instagram- @casualty_ed


Monday 13 October 2014

Jeffrey Collier's Funeral

Dixie throws herself into work on the day of Jeff's funeral, Lofty treats a patient with OCD and a new barista joins the ED.
On Saturday 11th October it was Jeff Collier’s (Matt bardock’s) funeral! This was a very moving episode, so much so that Amanda Mealing who plays Connie had to have most of her scenes cut when filming because she was crying so much (Everybody loves working with Jeff/matt.) As Rita ( Chloe howman) and Dixie ( Jane Hazlegrove) were in the locker room, Iain (Michael Stevenson) comes to say that the Hurst has arrived, Dixie wants five minutes, iain and Rita agree to leave her for 5 minutes. Rita askes iain (standing in front of the hurts) if they have given her long enough Rita goes into the locker room to come back out to find Dixie sat in the ambulance.
Rita try’s to get Dixie out but Dixie answers a call and leaves the station. Iain tells Rita, Big mac and Tamzin to go and he will get Dixie to come! As Iain gets to the place were Dixie went, he helps find a man that’s been trapped under the rubbish and then is still trying to persuade Dixie to go to Jeff’s funeral  at this point we hear the start of with or without you by U2 playing as the Hurst pulls into the church.  
Carrying Jeff’s coffin is big mac, Noel Jeff’s son and a few other paramedics. Walking behind the coffin is Tamzin with little abs (the dog that Jeff gave Dixie!) As they put the coffin on the table Tamzin sits abs in front of it! After panning from Iain and Dixie still at the rubbish tip we go to Jamie giving a speech about Jeff’s life. The vicar then said,  we will hear a few words from Jeff’s wife, Big mac tells Tamsin to go up because Dixie isn’t there, as Tamzin gets to go to the stand Dixie and Iain bust through the door. 

Dixie said a few words “I’m usually a stickler for punctuality, so I apologise for the delay. Most of you know what the deal was between me and Jeff, for those of you who don’t  let’s just say it wasn’t a long engament, it wasn’t what you’d call a conventional marriage but it had a lot of the same componants,there was very little romance, there were frequent arguments and there was love. He was my soul mate, and my confidant and the clown that made me laugh when I wanted to kill. I know all relationships are unique this one was truly a once off, something that I will never have again and that’s very painful, I also know he was about to embark on a whole new adventure, and I feel so sad he never got to follow that through because it meant the world to him, you scarified your life saving someone else and in my heart of hearts I knew it was always going to be that way, I love and I miss you kid”

We then had a speech from control over the radio , all paramedics stood up an lifter their radio in the air but half way through tamzin breaks down and sits down. “ Control to paramedic collier, control to paramedic collier, last call for paramedic collier, Jeff collier not responding, paramedic for holby ambulance trust 2007-2014, a valued collage and friend, who’s dedication touched the lives of the people of holby,we thank you for your service, gone but not forgotten. You are now off duty” 

We then go to Connie on the phone talking to her daughters school and then tells Charlie she has to drive down to Dorset because her daughter has been expelled. Ethan walks back into the ED and is taken into resus and relays everything that Cal said to him on the night of Jeff’s death.

Later on at the wake, Tess and everybody are talking about memories of Jeff and she says  “ if anybody else had called me princess I would of decked them but he somehow got away with it2 Big mac then said “ That’s because Jeffery had charm”  
In the ambulance station Dixie gets the key to Jeff’s locker and opens it up to empty it, she looks at the picture of him and tamzin, tamzin walks in and says that’s from our first official date, he took me to the arcades”  tamzin later says “I’m going to leave Dixie” Dixie asks if it’s because of her. On the table Jeff’s jackets laid out , Dixie smells It and says it still smells like him and then gives it to Tamzin who puts it on and then leaves. Back at the wake Charlie says a few words after iain gets back and says I wouldn’t wait for her. 

So my opinion  on casualty this week was that Jeff got a true hero send off! We are going to love and miss you Jeffery Collier! See you next week guys:) i have linked videos below! one of the trailer and one from the radio call for jeff

below the trailer

jeff colliers last radio call <-- click this link for his last call

Saturday 11 October 2014

First Blog post!

. Hiya guys:) After Matt bardocks very upsetting exit last week! I have decided to make a blog about Casualty! And all about our ED doctors and consultants. I thought i would start with saying that i will make blog post every Sunday after each Casualty! I thought i would start with the bases of each character that im going to post about and then start fresh when a new charcter joins the ED:)

Lets start with Ben "Lofty"Chiltern Played by lee mead!

He arrived in the ED on 1st March 2014! He is a Band 5 nurse.Lofty fell into Robyn and Max’s lives and the ED. Always stumbling around, he somehow managed to stumble into a job at Holby where he brightens up the corridors with his big blue eyes and beaming smile. Although he is not the smoothest of talkers, or walkers, his warmth and kindness make him easy to forgiveLofty got his name after hiding out in the loft of Robyn and Max’s flat, which is owned by his Dad.He’s fond of daydreaming, but his clumsiness and lack of attention can often land him in scrapes. Lofty is easily scared, and hates arguments or conflict of any kind.

Big Mac! Played by Charles Dale.

He arrived in the ED on 24th October 2007 as a Emergency care assistant. Big Mac tries to be everyone's friend and loves nothing more than sharing a few jokes over a hot cup of tea. When things don't go his way he can be overly sensitive, and just a little bit grouchy. He's unlucky in love, but ever the optimist that this will change. He loves his country and he's very proud of his service in the army. He progressed on to working along side Jeff,Dixie &Tamzin

Caleb “Cal” Knight Played by Richard Winsor

He arrived in the ED on 18th January 2014 as a Registrar. His arrival at Holby was something of a shock to younger brother, Ethan, and it’s not long before Ethan’s frustration at, once again, being in his big brother’s shadow starts to show. 
Hates: His father. His brother. Facing up to the consequences of his actions

Loves: Fast cars and a fast lifestyle. Spending his salary and beyond

Charlie Fairhead Played by Derek Thompson

 He arrived on 6th September 1986 as a Emergency Nurse Practitioner
Charlie is the lynchpin of the emergency department. He's been there since the beginning and has always proved to be an indispensable, trustworthy and diplomatic member of the team. People look up to him, and he always tries to be there when the ED family need him.The mother of his child, Baz, died in a car crash. Has a background in psychiatric care and has completed a trauma nursing course. Never forgets that he almost lost his son, Louis.

Connie Beauchamp Played by Amanda Mealing

She arrived on 29th March 2014 as Clinical Lead.Connie has had to fight to get where she is today. Her grass-roots are Peckham, South London where her mother was a nurse and father a teacher. Her talent pushed her to the reputable position that she held at Holby, something that she's not willing to let go, especially now she's moved to the ED.Connie used to be the Clinical Lead for Cardiothoracic Surgery at Holby City Hospital.She began working in the ED from March 2014

Ethan Hardy Played by George Rainsford

 He arrived 11th January 2014 as a Registrar.It is with great attention to detail and a cheeky grin that Ethan treats his patients. He is always there when you need him, equipped with a sympathetic witty comment and a coy sparkle in his eye. Ethan is easy to laugh with and relies on his natural charm to avoid any confrontation. Although Ethan charms many, he fails when it comes to women - a flaw made all the more apparent next to his smooth-talking fast-moving brother, Cal. Constantly feeling in the shadow of his brother, Ethan studied hard to become the excellent doctor that he is – so a lifetime of frustration came flooding in when Cal walked into the ED. Strengths: Naturally gifted medic, strong bedside manner, makes people laugh. Fears: Forever being seen as second best.

Jeff Collier played by Matt Bardock
He arrived 10th February 2007 as a Paramedic. Jeff is a football-supporting geezer, but he's also a fantastic paramedic. He hates ‘Broken Britain’ and so he often takes the youth of today under his wing, and he tries to make them the best that they can be. He pretends to be the King of his castle, but secretly he knows Dixie wears the trousers. He's got authority on the street and that's priceless to his colleagues. Married Dixie to satisfy her father's dying wish. Was previously married to Lucy and has two children - John and Sophia. He took the death of Polly very hard. Sadly on 4th October Jeff died saving Ash from a car. He was going to propose to Tamzin when he got back to the ED.

Kathleen Dixon played by Jane Hazlegrove

She arrived 30th September 2006 as Operational Duty Manager. Dixie is larger than life. She doesn't care a jot what people think about her and this openness wins her a lot of friends. She's straight talking to the point of bluntness and enjoys a practical joke. She’s also hot-headed and opinionated, and she will always fight for what’s right. Before joining the paramedics, she tried her hand at being a classroom assistant, a kitchen hand on a cruise ship, and manager of a pub. Was married to Jeff, despite being gay. Has a Labrador named Little Abs that Jeff gave to her. She accidently ran over a girl whilst driving the ambulance. She tried to hide her homosexuality from her father, but he found out on his deathbed. 

Lily Chao played by Crystal Yu

She arrived on3rd August 2013 as a Junior Doctor.A&E is a pre-requisite for a junior doctor, but it is not part of Lily Chao’s long-term plan. She has her sights set on dermatology, a good match in marriage and a financially rewarding private-practice. An intelligent, logical, high-achiever, Lily finds the theory easy, but she continues to struggle with her bedside manner. Perhaps her short stint in the ED will teach her a few lessons. Lily comes from a hard-working family who like to boast about their doctor daughter, but have never really told her they are proud of her. As such Lily is confident, accomplished and focussed, but really all she wants is for someone to say ‘well done’. Lily’s parents own a restaurant , Lily lives by her twenty-year plan and nothing will deviate her from this course… or will it?

Martin 'Ash' Ashford Played by Patrick Robinson
 He arrived on 16th February 2013 as a Consultant

In his 30’s, Ash worked as a charge nurse at Holby City A+E. He left to teach at a local college after he was acquitted of physically attacking a racist patient, but returned briefly in series ten to marry Laura, a PR officer in the hospital.In the intervening years Ash retrained as a doctor, eventually passing his exams and becoming a Consultant. Ash and Zoe have differing management styles, but they soon bond in support of each other. Although his marriage didn’t last Ash has a daughter, Ella. Now she’s a teenager, Ash has put his foot down with her, but she still remains a rebellious and challenging presence in his life and the ED. octor by trade, Ash is a nurse at heart and as such isn’t afraid to go to anyone who he thinks might help in a given situation, which gains him much respect. Ash is no pushover – he has strong opinions and is happy to say the things no one else will say. He’s also a pragmatist and a long-termist – able to see the bigger picture and stay calm in a crisis. Originally joined Casualty on 7th Sept 1990. In the interim, Ash had a stint as a resident in a Bronx ED.Ash came back in S12 to act as best man at Baz and Charlie’s wedding.

Max Walker Played by Jamie Davis

He arrived in the ED 5th October 2013 as a  Porter.Since uni Max has had many jobs but he doesn’t stick at much for long – it distracts from his real passion, making music. He came to Holby to be closer to his band and got in touch with step-sister Robyn when he needed a place to crash. He’s also a sponge for information, but he just doesn’t know how to harness it all yet; he’s too busy dreaming of having an extraordinary life to engage with his real one. Becoming a porter fulfils a lot of his needs, a good social life, engagement with different people all the time and he’ll come to realise the privilege of being there when people’s lives are changed for the better or the worse. Joined HCH as a porter on November 16th 2013. Max lives in the old student nurses’ house with step-sister Robyn – she complains a lot, but Max loves winding her up as much as he enjoys being mothered.

Rita Freeman Played by Chloe Howman

She arrived in the ED on 10th August 2013 as a Nurse.Rita lives for today and she’s here to bring fun back to the ED. Her reckless nature can almost land her in trouble but somehow it’s more likely that her infectious maverick spirit will lead the others astray and it’s them who have to face the consequences. Behind Rita’s whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm, it’s clear that her gregarious personality is a way of stopping anyone from getting too close, however she bonds quickly and easily with the team and they will enjoy her spirit of adventure.Despite all this she’s an excellent nurse who doesn’t put up with any nonsense – junior doctors have been known to shake in her wake and patients do exactly what they're told. Her easy manner means people open up to her and her calmness under pressure means she’s exactly the person you would want next to you in a crisis. Always has a new project or hobby on the go, from rock-climbing to spelunking, Rita seems fearless.

Robyn Miller Played by Amanda Henderson

She arrived in the ED on5th January 2013 as a Band 5 Nurse.Robyn grew up knowing that she wanted to be a nurse. She's the oldest of four siblings and also volunteered to care for her beloved Nan as a teenager. People have always told Robyn that she's a 'born nurse'. As far as the "care" part of the job goes she's one of the best but she does worry about the academic side of the job – maths, chemistry and biology have never been her best subjects! Robyn is determinedly positive and extremely chatty. She makes friends easily and is able to charm patients and get them on side with her down to earth talkative charm. However, this can sometimes be her downfall as she loves a good gossip but isn't the best at keeping secrets!

Tess Bateman Played by Suzanne Packer

she arrived in the ED on 13th September 2003 as aClinical Nurse Manager
As a third generation Jamaican, brought up in Cardiff, Tess is a traditionalist; if there's a rule book then she's swallowed it. She may be viewed as a kill-joy and inflexible, but her heart is in the right place - rules are there for a reason: the wellbeing and safety of the ED and its staff. Tess cares deeply for her colleagues and will do anything for them. She loves spending time with her family, and she is a regular church goer, but not a holier than thou type. Her immaculate, business-like front masks a wicked, dry, sense of humour.

Zoe Hanna Played by Sunetra Sarker
She arrived in the ed on 29th December 2007 as a Consultant,Zoe is an intelligent, highly-talented and ambitious doctor. There's a chaotic and flamboyant energy about her that affects everyone she meets. She is one of Jordan’s closest confidants and one of few people who can get away with calling him Nick. She is the perfect mix of a fun-loving woman and a dedicated, skilled, doctor.

So there is my first blog! there will be another blog tommorow:) all copy rights got the BBC and Casualty producers:)